This unit is on equilibrium. In chapter 12 study section 12-3 only p. 372 to 382. Complete chapter 12 review problems 8 to 15 all. In chapter 18 study the whole chapter p. 553 to 584 except skip section 18-3 and complete 1 to 37 odd review problems. There will be a test on equilibrium on 4/30.
In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well. WATCH THE VIDEOS... you will slowly build important concepts...
Lab 10.1 Determining the Density of Carbon Dioxide is due 4/13.
Equilibrium simulation lab (3 labeled graphs done on excel)
Worksheet 1: Dynamic Equilibrium/Le Chatelier's principle due 4/21
Lab E 1(34): Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's 4/27
Worksheet 2: Equilibrium constant/calculations due 4/23
Lab E 2(35): Solubility Product Constant due 4/29
Worksheet 3: Solubility Product Constant/Le Chatelier's due 4/30
Alternative assignment second semester
Equilibrium Thornley IB
Equilibrium Crashcourse
Chemical equilibrium OSU chem
Le Chatelier's principal Khan academy
Le Chatelier's principal Bozeman science
About Fritz Haber
The dawn of chemical warfare
Industrial production of ammonia
Haber Bosch process
Water and solutions Crashcourse
Solubility equilibrium Brightstorm
Solubility product constant table 25 C
Tracking pollution chemists celebrate earth day
In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well. WATCH THE VIDEOS... you will slowly build important concepts...
Lab 10.1 Determining the Density of Carbon Dioxide is due 4/13.
Equilibrium simulation lab (3 labeled graphs done on excel)
Worksheet 1: Dynamic Equilibrium/Le Chatelier's principle due 4/21
Lab E 1(34): Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's 4/27
Worksheet 2: Equilibrium constant/calculations due 4/23
Lab E 2(35): Solubility Product Constant due 4/29
Worksheet 3: Solubility Product Constant/Le Chatelier's due 4/30
Alternative assignment second semester
Equilibrium Thornley IB
Equilibrium Crashcourse
Chemical equilibrium OSU chem
Le Chatelier's principal Khan academy
Le Chatelier's principal Bozeman science
About Fritz Haber
The dawn of chemical warfare
Industrial production of ammonia
Haber Bosch process
Water and solutions Crashcourse
Solubility equilibrium Brightstorm
Solubility product constant table 25 C
Tracking pollution chemists celebrate earth day