This unit is on caustics. Study all of Chapter 15 and complete chapter review problems 1 to 31 odd and all of Chapter 16 and complete chapter review problems 1 to 25 odd. The unit quiz will be on 5/26
Worksheet 15.1: Naming acids, conjugate acids and bases due 5/7
Worksheet 1: Calculating pH due 5/26
Worksheet 2: pH and pOH due 5/26
Lab 2 : Titrations: Data Calculations Conclusion due 5/7
Lab 3 : Titrations: Unknown concentration determination due 5/16
Lab 4 : Determining Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Strong and Weak Acids due 5/22
Alternative assignment second semester due 5/29
Chemistry Acids and Bases worksheet for the quiz ANSWER sheet
Acid Bases ENDMEMO
Conjugate acids and bases brightstorm
Acid base reactions in solution crashcourse
Strength of acids and bases brightstorm
pH and pOH crashcourse
pH, pOH, pKw khan academy
Setting up and performing a titration
Titration calculations
Universal indicator demo
Cheeseburger in HCl
Coke cans in HCl and NaOH
Goose skull in HCl
TESLA: Master of Lightening.
Worksheet 15.1: Naming acids, conjugate acids and bases due 5/7
Worksheet 1: Calculating pH due 5/26
Worksheet 2: pH and pOH due 5/26
Lab 2 : Titrations: Data Calculations Conclusion due 5/7
Lab 3 : Titrations: Unknown concentration determination due 5/16
Lab 4 : Determining Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Strong and Weak Acids due 5/22
Alternative assignment second semester due 5/29
Chemistry Acids and Bases worksheet for the quiz ANSWER sheet
Acid Bases ENDMEMO
Conjugate acids and bases brightstorm
Acid base reactions in solution crashcourse
Strength of acids and bases brightstorm
pH and pOH crashcourse
pH, pOH, pKw khan academy
Setting up and performing a titration
Titration calculations
Universal indicator demo
Cheeseburger in HCl
Coke cans in HCl and NaOH
Goose skull in HCl
TESLA: Master of Lightening.