Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bonding Unit 4

Bonding content is in chapter 6 (complete review 15 to 49 odd) and chapter 7 (complete review 1 to 13 and 23 to 37 odd).  This unit will last until just after winter break.  Study a bit at a time. Work on memorizing ions (p 205 and p 210) for nomenclature. We will have a TEST on this unit on 1/15.

 In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well.  WATCH THE VIDEOS... you will slowly build important concepts...

Chapter 6 15 to 49 odd and chapter 7 1 to 13 and 23 to 37 odd due 1/15
Worksheet 6.1 dot diagrams due 12/4
Lab 6.1 Chemical bonding due 12/9
Lab 7.1 Ionic Formulas due 12/15
Worksheet 7.1 nomenclatue due 1/6
Nomenclature Quiz 12/17
Worksheet 7.5 due 1/15
Lab 7.2: Percent of composition of KClO3 due 1/15


Chemspider database and 3D structure finder
Bonding Crash Course
Lewis electron dot diagrams Brightstorm
Bonding models and lewis structures Crash Course
Solids Crash Course
Ionic nomenclature Brightstorm
Naming acids Brightstorm
Nomenclature1 Crash Course
VSEPR theory Brightstorm
VSEPR theory Oregon State University
VSEPR theory (more advanced) Bozeman Science
lewis/valence dot periodic table image

Atomic Interactions

Click to Run

Build a Molecule
Click to Run

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Periodicity Unit 3

We will study Periodicity (patterns and trends of the periodic table) this month in Chemistry.  You should study Chapter 5 in Modern Chemistry and complete questions 1 to 37 odd by 11/25.  We will have a test on this unit on 11/25.

 In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well.  WATCH THE VIDEOS... you will slowly build important concepts...


Lab 5.2: Reactivity of Halide Ions is due 11/20
Worksheet 5.1 The Periodic Table is due 11/20
Periodic Law Cut n' Paste Puzzle is due 11/25


Introduction to periodicity video Thornley youtube channel.
Introduction to periodicity video Crashcourse youtube channel.
Periodic table overview Brightstorm youtube channel
Alkali metals in water (reactivity) video 
Ionization energy and electronegativity defined Thornley youtube channel
Periodic trends in radii and electronegativity Thornley youtube channel
More on trends Thornley youtube channel
What is the rarest precious metal?
About Glenn Seaborg shaking up the periodic table

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Atomic Theory Unit 2

We will study atomic theory this month.  In the Modern Chemistry text you should be studying in both Chapter 3 (complete review problems 1 to 23 odd) and in Chapter 4 (complete 1 to 29 odd)  The test on this unit will be 11/4 and all work must be turned in by the day of the test. There will be a quiz at some point during class as well.

 In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well.  WATCH THE VIDEOS... you will slowly build important concepts...


W/S 3.2 Isotopes due 10/2.
L 3.1: Conservation of Mass due 10/6.
W/S 3.4: Ions due 10/7.
Acetylene Lab due 10/13
Relative mass and the mole due 10/14
Chalk lab due 10/16
L 3.2: Emperical formula of magnesium oxide is due 10/27
For Lab 3.2 the empirical formula of magnesium oxide you will need to enter your class data on this spreadsheet and you will use the data set from all the classes in your formal lab write up.
L 3.3 Flame Tests packet due 10/26
W/S 3.6 electron configurations due 11/3

Magnesium Oxide Empirical Formula Lab


Link to SYNERGY (your online grade)
creation of chem: law of conservation of mass crash course youtube
the history of atomic chemistry crash course youtube
calcium carbide fire ice demo periodic table of videos channel youtube
Calcium carbide explosion Flinn Scientific youtube
the mole Ted-Ed channel youtube
stoichiometry the mole crashcourse youtube
The mole brightstorm youtube
molar mass brightstorm youtube
Flame tests video
What is Fire?
10 minute visual history of the universe... where matter comes from
the big bang big history crashcourse youtube
Great interactive website on scale in the measurable universe is at http://htwins.net/scale2/
emission spectra of elements
How scientists 'see' atoms
atomic emission spectra Richard Thornley youtube
 A short history of atomic theory PowerPoint
Arrangement of electrons PowerPoint
electron configurations crashcourse youtube
standard model particle physics fermilab
stopping light and quantum computers (extra topic brought up in class)
Here's a link to PTABLE.COM

Build an Atom
Click to Run
Build an Atom simulation.  GREAT practice with subatomic particles...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Intro Quantitative Chemistry Unit 1

 This is the introduction unit for Chemistry year 1.  In Modern Chemistry you should read and study chapter 1 and complete the odd questions 1 to 23 at the end of the chapter.  There will be a quiz on 9/18 and the questions are due by the class day before this.  You should also read and study chapter 2 and complete odd questions 1 to 45 at the end of the chapter.  There will be a test on 9/25 on this unit and all work in the unit is due by this day at the latest.  No work will be accepted for this unit after 9/25.

You need to know HOW TO STUDY CHEMISTRY.  This course can quickly become difficult if you do not have study skills and do not PRACTICE study skills.  Read page 904 to 907 in the text book on study skills, it has some really useful advice.  The most useful is to read and problem solve ahead of class.  

Students who are not prepared in math skills are the students who struggle the most and have to spend the most time on chemistry.  If you are not concurrently enrolled in algebra 3-4 or above you may not really have the prerequisite math ability for chemistry.  Students in geometry will need to spend more time on parts of chemistry, especially in the second semester to keep up.

Please read the syllabus and put the important websites from this link into your notes.  In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well.  WATCH THE VIDEOS... you will slowly build important concepts...

Lewis and Clark afterschool/summer science program


You and your parents/guardians must read and sign the safety contract which will be passed out in class; this is due by Monday 9/8.

Chapter 1 review questions 1 to 23 odd are due 9/16.
Chapter 2 review questions 1 to 45 odd are due by 9/25.

Lab 1.1: Physical and Chemical Change is due 9/11.
Lab 1.2: Basic Laboratory Techniques is due 9/23.
Lab 1.2 online
Lab 1.3 Cents-ible Chemistry due 9/25
Worksheet 1.1 due 9/11
Worksheet 2.2/Test Review KEY due 9/25


Introduction to atoms khan academy youtube video
Powers of ten youtube video
Unit conversion significant figures crash course chem youtube video
intensive vs extensive properties youtube video
'Centsible' Chemistry Lab staab youtube channel
About the most common state of matter sci show
The birth of the universe and elements
The woman who saved the U.S. space race
gold penny demo.
A nice RELAXING video after studying chemistry...